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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking Body Temperature From Different Sites In a Child

Fever in a child can cause lots of anxiety among parents, especially among inexperienced parents. If your child develops fever, it may raise number of questions, such as will fever lead to febrile seizure, hallucination, and brain damage can occur due to extremely high fever. Febrile seizures may occur in children below five years of age. There is high risk of developing epilepsy among children who develop febrile seizure with every fever, hence, these children should be treated aggressively so that body temperature (fever) cannot rise above certain level and febrile seizure can be prevented. Body Temperature From Different Sites In a Child In case of very high fever, i.e. temperature above 106 degree Fahrenheit, there may be brain damage, if fever is not brought down rapidly, by cold sponging and other measures. If body temperature is very high it is not advisable to administer fever medication, because they may not work properly at very high body temperature. One can take temperature

Role of the Spectrophotometer in Medicine

In addition to being an Associate in Nursing instrumental device for analysis in an exceedingly big variety of industries, the photometer is an important tool throughout the attention time and is commonly cited because of the workhorse of the laboratory.                                    Spectrophotometer in Medicine While the photometer is crucial to industries like paint, cosmetics, food, printing, and lots of a lot of, its importance inside the attention time can't be exaggerated. In some ways, diagnosis, treatment, analysis, and development all revolve around the photometer. The photometer is employed for analysis comes and bioassays in physics, biology, chemistry, and organic chemistry labs among others. Spectrophotometry permits scientists to spot the makeup of organic and inorganic compounds with the employment of each actinic radiation and also the visible parts of the sunshine spectrum that may be seen with the human eye (UV-Vis). Different molecules or inorganic compound

What is Super ORS?

ORS (oral rehydration salt or solution) is commonly used in the treatment of mild (fluid loss of 5% to 7% of body weight) to moderate diarrhea (fluid loss of 7% to 10% of body weight). If mild and moderate diarrhea (which causes mild to moderate dehydration) is not treated adequately and early in the disease, it may lead to severe dehydration, which may ultimately cause death. Initiate treatment (replacement of lost fluid) of diarrhea as early as possible with ORS to reduce morbidity and mortality. There is no alternative to starting treatment early in diarrhea cases. What is Super ORS? What is super ORS? Super ORS is made by adding certain amino acids (such as alanine, glycine, etc. which are actively transported or absorbed amino acids lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and transport sodium along with them) which have some advantages over commonly used WHO-ORS (as recommended by World Health Organization). The advantages of super ORS (by adding amino acids) are said to be marginal a

Medical Uses of Heroin

According to the international organization (UN) estimation, the amount of diacetylmorphine (diacetylmorphine) user worldwide is between fifteen to twenty-one million, out of a total of over fifty million users of the artificial medication. The users of diacetylmorphine range from age fourteen to sixty-five years elderly. we tend to all area unit privy to the abuse/misuse/addiction of diacetylmorphine, if you or a dearest area unit abusing diacetylmorphine, subsequent step is to analysis drug rehab centers like, however, diacetylmorphine has several medical uses additionally and because of this reason, several countries like the UK; diacetylmorphine is out there as controlled medicament. diacetylmorphine is employed practice, wherever facilitate for addiction to diacetylmorphine is well offered. this text is concerning the medical uses of diacetylmorphine. Heroin or heroin may be a sturdy analgesic (commonly referred to as pain killer medication, as they're uti

The Best Ways to Prevent and Treat Hair Loss in Women

 A head full of gorgeous and healthy hair is the best adornment of a woman and almost all of us dream of having long and thick hair that we would be able to style the way we want. But, in most cases, a woman’s dream of having thick and long hair is destroyed due to chronic hair fall and thinning of the hair on the scalp. Female pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. In female pattern baldness, the hair follicles shrink over time, and no new hair grows from the follicles, but the follicles remain alive. Some of the reasons for female pattern baldness are aging, changes in the level of androgens, and family history of female pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness is quite dissimilar from male pattern baldness. Because, in this case, the hair thins on the top and crown of the scalp and it begins to widen from the center hair part. Some other causes of hair fall in women include certain medications, anemia, PCOS, menopause, protein deficiency in the die

Can the depression statistics really go down?

The Depression Statistics Can the depression statistics really go down?   The depression statistics show an increase in the number of people being affected by this mental disorder. With the rowing involvement in work the personal lives are being affected resulting in depression. The depression statistics actually reveal how much prevalent this illness has become in people. The factors are many and it is becoming one of the most major mental disorders affecting people at large, especially in the cities. Facing mental blues is not the same as getting into an entire phase of depression. Here are the statistics: Depression has become a widespread phenomenon A number of researches have been carried out which have revealed that depression has become massively prevalent among not just the adults but among the teens as well. It affects both the genders and the effects differ between men and women. Depression has a number of classifications that depend on the sympt