The Best Ways to Prevent and Treat Hair Loss in Women

 A head full of gorgeous and healthy hair is the best adornment of a woman and almost all of us dream of having long and thick hair that we would be able to style the way we want. But, in most cases, a woman’s dream of having thick and long hair is destroyed due to chronic hair fall and thinning of the hair on the scalp. Female pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. In female pattern baldness, the hair follicles shrink over time, and no new hair grows from the follicles, but the follicles remain alive.

Some of the reasons for female pattern baldness are aging, changes in the level of androgens, and family history of female pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness is quite dissimilar from male pattern baldness. Because, in this case, the hair thins on the top and crown of the scalp and it begins to widen from the center hair part. Some other causes of hair fall in women include certain medications, anemia, PCOS, menopause, protein deficiency in the diet, or sudden weight loss. Cosmetic procedures are one of the best and permanent ways to prevent hair fall in women.

Hair lose in woemen

Popular Surgical and Cosmetic Hair Restoration Procedures

The cosmetic surgical procedure is the most effective treatment for hair loss that acts as a permanent solution.

Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation is the best treatment for hair loss. It is a practical and permanent solution for both male and female pattern baldness in which minute plugs of the candidate’s hair are removed from the donor site (the scalp area where the hair is thicker) and placed on the balding area. This procedure may cause minor scarring at the donor site during hair removal. It also carries the risk of skin infection. Therefore, it is best to choose an experienced surgeon. You might need to have a few transplantation sessions, but the results are excellent and ever-lasting.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy – This is yet another useful procedure to prevent hair loss and cure androgenic alopecia, baldness, and thinning hairline. PRP or platelet-rich plasma is concentrated blood plasma that contains important growth factors PDGF and VEGF along with proteins that stimulate the growth of follicles and reverse hair miniaturization. In this procedure, the PRP is directly injected into the scalp, and the growth factors present in the blood plasma promote hair growth naturally. PRP therapy is perfectly suitable for both men and women, and it is the most reliable non-surgical treatment for hair loss and hair thinning. Several sessions may be required to get desired results, and it can be used in combination with other hair transplant procedures.

Scalp Reduction

Scalp reduction is one of the functional ways to prevent hair loss and treat baldness. It is a surgical method in which the parts of the scalp affected by alopecia are removed in order to reduce the total area of bald skin. The parts of the scalp with healthy hair growth are stretched, repositioned, and stitched together, thereby making the balding area smaller and manageable. This procedure is more useful if the candidate has prominent balding spots in the crown area of the scalp. This procedure can be done in grouping with other hair transplant Surgery.

Tissue Expansion

Tissue expansion is a common technique used by plastic surgeons that promote the body to grow additional skin, tissues, and bone. Tissue expansion can provide dramatic results in case of hair replacement surgery with significant hair coverage in a very short period of time. In this process, a tissue expander is inserted underneath the area of the scalp with normal hair growth. Then the expander is gradually inflated using saline water for 6 to 8 weeks. This stretching in turn increases the amount of hair-bearing scalp. After removal of the bags, the expanded hair-bearing skin is adjusted over the bald area and stitched. This procedure is most helpful for hair fall caused by burns or injuries to the scalp.

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in Women

If your hair loss is not severe, then following a few simple hair care tips can be enough to prevent and control hair loss.

Have a proper diet

Women who are vegetarian or anemic are at greater risk of hair loss because their diet lacks iron, which is essential for healthy and strong hair. Therefore, it is important to consume plenty of green vegetables such as spinach, chard, kale along with foods rich in protein, biotin, and zinc such as beans, tofu, and lean cuts of red meat.

Scalp Massage

There are many benefits of scalp massage in case of hair loss and thinning hair. Use natural oil such as coconut oil or olive oil and use your fingertips to apply the oil on your scalp and hair and massage for 5 to 8 minutes. Massaging the scalp helps in increasing circulation to the scalp that aids in supplying essential nutrients to the hair follicles thereby encouraging hair growth.

Brushing Gently

Hairbrushes with hard plastic or metal bristles can damage the hair strands and cause breakage. Therefore, use gentle strokes to detangle and brush your hair and try to use a brush made of boar bristles or flexible nylon.

Avoid Blow Dryer

It is best to avoid blow dryers and hot styling tools as much as possible. Styling the hair with heat can damage the hair shafts and affect hair growth. Therefore, air-dry your hair whenever you can and use heated tools with adjustable settings, and use them on the lowest level.

Incorporate these useful tips in your daily hair care regime and discuss the various surgical and cosmetic hair restoration procedures with an experienced cosmetic surgeon in order to know the best option for you.


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