Can the depression statistics really go down?

The Depression Statistics

Can the depression statistics really go down?

 The depression statistics show an increase in the number of people being affected by this mental disorder. With the rowing involvement in work the personal lives are being affected resulting in depression. The depression statistics actually reveal how much prevalent this illness has become in people. The factors are many and it is becoming one of the most major mental disorders affecting people at large, especially in the cities. Facing mental blues is not the same as getting into an entire phase of depression. Here are the statistics:

  • Depression has become a widespread phenomenon

A number of researches have been carried out which have revealed that depression has become massively prevalent among not just the adults but among the teens as well. It affects both the genders and the effects differ between men and women. Depression has a number of classifications that depend on the symptoms. The types include bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, and major depression. Everyone is affected by depression in their regular lives but it is the amount of effect it leaves on their regular lives that decides whether an individual is in need of a medical guidance. The mental disorder has become so widespread that it affects the pre-schoolers as well, in whom it is in the form of clinic depression. However unusual it might sound, but the fact is that the number of kids suffering from depression in the kindergarten stage is rising.

The depression statistics is showing a steady increase. Depression affects about fifteen percent of the total population in a developed country, as the statistics reveal. More than thirty percent of the number affected include female. Approximately eighty percent of the total number of people who suffer from depression are not treated. One of the most important factors for absenteeism in students is depressive disorder.

  • Is standard treatment for the mental disorder effective?

Studies reveal that anti depressants are helpful for about thirty to forty percent of the affected people. There are a number of prescription drugs available for treating depression which include Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, etc. But what still remains a question is whether prescribed medicines are actually taking the depression statistics down.

  • What are the options available to treat depression?

People who suffer from depression have ways to come out of the disorder successfully if they are eager to cure themselves. However, the individual needs to be patient firstly, while also being dedicated to work hard to get out of this seemingly unending state of mental blues. There needs to be open communication between the doctor and his patient such that the patient can lay bare the entire mental condition he or she is suffering from before the doctor. The depression statistics is undergoing a gradual but constant change as the studies and researches are increasing in the medical field. However, no such specific theory or reason has been discovered as yet that exactly causes depression. The medical guidance involves a long period of counseling with hopes of getting success. Depression can give rise to other physical weaknesses and disorders as well.


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