Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking Body Temperature From Different Sites In a Child
Fever in a child can cause lots of anxiety among parents, especially among inexperienced parents. If your child develops fever, it may raise number of questions, such as will fever lead to febrile seizure, hallucination, and brain damage can occur due to extremely high fever. Febrile seizures may occur in children below five years of age. There is high risk of developing epilepsy among children who develop febrile seizure with every fever, hence, these children should be treated aggressively so that body temperature (fever) cannot rise above certain level and febrile seizure can be prevented. Body Temperature From Different Sites In a Child In case of very high fever, i.e. temperature above 106 degree Fahrenheit, there may be brain damage, if fever is not brought down rapidly, by cold sponging and other measures. If body temperature is very high it is not advisable to administer fever medication, because they may not work properly at very high body temperature. One can take temperature